Lent & Easter

Lent & Easter

Parishes across our diocese have collaborated with the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis in writing a Stations of the Cross for the pandemic; which includes images from the Stations at 14 different diocesan church sites. In this time of separation, it is a way for us to be united in prayer as a diocese.

Ash Wednesday March 2, 2022

Deepen Your Faith


Prayer is one of the Pillars of Lent! This Lenten season, improve your prayer life with these simple ideas:

  • Try to start every morning with a prayer. Pray with your children before they fall asleep.
  • Add some time for silent prayer and reflection into your day.
  • Try to pray the Rosary or the chaplet of Divine Mercy every day of Lent
  • Try lectio divina. Open a Bible or a Bible app and spend some time prayerfully reading and meditating on even just one verse of scripture.
  • Make your way through one of the four Gospels during Lent by reading and reflecting on the message each day.
  • Attend daily Mass.
  • Create a jar of intentions. Add a new one every day to pray with your family. (pray for your neighbors, our leaders, your priest, frontline workers, grocery clerks, teachers...there are so many who need our prayers!
  • Make sure your family says grace at every meal. If it hasn't been your habit, it will become one by the end of Lent!
  • Pray the stations of the Cross. This beautiful prayer can be prayed all year but you’ll find it available to be prayed with a group at almost every parish on Lenten Fridays
  • Try this PRAYER by Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Ash Wednesday and Lent in 60 Seconds with LEGO

Lent in 3 Minutes by Busted Halo

Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal

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